Printcraft Press was founded in 1927 as a family business during a time when printing was considered a craft. They focused their attention on detail and excellent customer service, two essential elements of any successful business. One of the original printers in the southeast Idaho region, Printcraft Press was a true pioneer in the industry.
Eighty years later, Printcraft Press still embraces those same values – craftsmanship, quality, and service. A closely held family business, Printcraft Press works as a team to create a quality product and serve their customers' needs.
Rosetta Gunderson, the family's matriarch, inspired that team attitude at the turn of the century when she told her children, "Many hands make light work." That attitude has remained in the family for almost 100 years and is present today with the owner, Travis Waters. He believes in the value of teamwork and works closely with his staff to ensure that his customers are satisfied with the finished product.

Jeanie Reimer
General Manager
Jeanie fell in love with printing the first day she stepped foot in a print shop where she stripped color into the wee hours of the morning. Jeanie enjoys outdoor photography and especially snapping photos of birds.

Natalie Crane
Client Support Specialist

Mariha Berrett
Client Support Specialist

Shelby Bird
Client Support Specialist

Ready to leave a mark? Contact us!
Litho / Flexo
Tel: 800.657.5535
Fax: 208.529.6529
Walk Through Printcraft
A typical day in the exciting life at Printcraft Press! Join this virtual tour as it takes a similar route that a lot of jobs take as they work their way through the manufacturing process.